The Spirit of the Lotus thanks you for taking the time to discover who we are, and how we can help. We welcome all people. It does not matter what your religious background, ethnicity, and/or life's circumstance is. We believe there is unity in diversity. We believe God’s Love is the key to all of life’s unsolved problems. By joining us for church services, sharing and experiencing our classes, workshops, and retreats, we sincerely believe that it will impact your life in a most positive way.
Blessings of Love & Light!
There is an abundance of Light upon Mother Earth due to a massive shift in consciousness. Humanity is adjusting to the Light and New Age energies. As we expand in consciousness and awaken to greater realities, something uncomfortable is happening. We are finding ourselves moving out of linear time finding ourselves at a precipice. We have a choice either to cling to the old timeline where nothing ever changes, getting the same results, and seeing history repeat itself over and over again, OR we create a new timeline where we journey into the realm of many possibilities . . . creating a new paradigm. When we create a new timeline and paradigm, we journey through frontiers that we have never experienced before. This can be exciting and at the same time frightening.
Humanity is laying new ground. The veil between heaven and earth is torn. The veil of illusion that surrounds Mother Earth is very thin. This allows humanity to access information from the realms of Illumined Truth. This information helps us to know and understand the enormity of us being co-creators with God Consciousness/Source. This multi-dimensional “activity” is creating a miraculous second half of the 2020 decade. The birth of 2025 focuses on the opening of our heart chakra. This allows us to rise above the negative and judgmental thinking of the 3rd dimension.
For us to flow in the intense Light that is emanating from our Great Center Sun, we must center ourselves in the heart chakra and embody our spiritual awakening. How do we do this? First, the Light reveals the dark energies that are rising (and showing their true colors) to be transmuted and transfigured. This means we are being bombarded by stagnant energies and news that only belong in the world of illusion. To experience our gifts, powers, peace, etc., we must surrender to the Light within our souls. We agreed as a group to be on the ascension path. Therefore, we are expanding into higher frequencies that unlock our gifts and powers . . . our true human potential.
Our gifts, powers, talents, and creativity do not reveal themselves automatically. We must allow them to open their potential within us. By being persistently determined, focused, and sincere in our efforts to be one with The One, these miraculous gifts and synchronicity start to emerge in our lives. Spirituality goes beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensions of duality and judgment. It takes practice, allowance, trust, and courage to let go of the patterns that shackle the mind and spirit.
With the Light increasing exponentially, 2025 ushers in great creative energies. We will see miraculous inventions and shifts of energy in our educational, health, political, governmental, and scientific/technological communities. We will see the Indigo children taking their rightful place in society all over the world. Therefore, there will be enormous advances in the collective consciousness of humanity. May 2025 and beyond bring you peace, joy, prosperity, happiness, and love. May the Wisdom of the Ages bless you with the creativity that comes from Source alone. Many blessings of Love and Light!