The Rainbow Bridge Meditation is based on principles which are thousands of years old. It emphasizes color, light, sound, movement and vibration. Like many meditative techniques, it fosters discipline, focus, and concentration. If practiced diligently, it also brings about a variety of health benefits, including the reduction of stress. What follows is a brief description of the Rainbow Bridge Meditation. Please contact us with any questions.
1. Starting out:
To serve humanity is to serve God.
Seek God first before venturing out.
Only then will you be forearmed and forewarned,
Ready for your greatest adventure. - Tara
We recommend meditating at least one time per day for a minimum of 30 minutes. If you are a newcomer to meditation, start out with five minutes per day and gradually increase this time so that you are meditating 30 minutes each day by the end of two weeks.
There are several different meditative postures, but no matter which one you choose, it is important to keep your spine straight, with your head resting comfortably on top of the spine. This allows the kundalini to rise freely up the spine, over the head and out the third eye (a point at the center of the brow). This creates the mystical staff of life referenced in the Bible and many other spiritual texts.
Without going into too much detail, kundalini is energy -- pure consciousness. The term is from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, and it stands for "snake" or "serpent power," so-named because it rises up the spine like a snake when activated through spiritual practice.
There are many meditative postures. Some common ones include: 1. lying flat on the ground face up, body straight, with the arms resting six inches from the sides (palms up), and feet approximately 12 inches apart; 2. sitting in a chair, with your feet flat on the ground, spine erect, hands on top of the knees or thighs (palms up); 3. full lotus position: sitting on something comfortable like a pillow, the legs are crossed with each foot resting on the thigh of the opposite leg (the bottoms of the feet are facing upward so that your "roots are in heaven") - the spine is erect and the hands are placed on the knees or thighs (palms up); and 4. the half lotus position: again sitting on something comfortable, one leg is crossed over the other in the fashion just described, while the remaining leg lies on the ground bent at the knee (essentially supporting the upper leg) - the spine is erect and the hands are placed on the knees or thighs (palms up).
A brief note about the position of your hands. During meditation, the hands can be placed in a number of different mudras (mystical signs made by placing the hands and fingers in a certain position). We recommend use of the following mudra with all of the aforementioned meditative postures: the palm of each hand should be facing up "towards God," so that God is your guide. With each hand, touch the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb to create a circle. A book can be written about the meaning of the circle, but for our purposes, it symbolizes God with no beginning and no end; it also symbolizes the womb of creation. By touching the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb, you are also stimulating the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain. The pineal gland regulates secretion of the hormone melatonin, while pituitary gland (often called the "master gland") is the most important of the endocrine glands (glands that release hormones directly into the bloodstream).
While the tip of the index finger is touching the tip of the thumb, the remaining fingers are held straight out. These three fingers represent the physical, emotional, and mental levels of consciousness, therefore, surrendering all three to God, The One Without A Second.
There are five "universal" meditative times: 1. 6:00 a.m. (the rising of energy); 2. 12:00 p.m. (the outpouring of sunlight); 3. 6:00 p.m. (the slowing-down and calming period); 4. 12:00 a.m. (a time of stillness); and 5. 3:00 a.m. (the time during sleep when the soul is farthest from the body - the quietest time). We encourage you to meditate during one of these "universal" times, but you can also meditate at a time of your choosing. But whenever you meditate, do so at the same time every day. This takes discipline, and creates a positive cycle which eventually becomes habit.
Also, remember to meditate in a quiet place - a place free from commotion and distractions. Where you meditate should be a special, sacred location, and should be treated as such. Do not let people frequently walk in and about this area (i.e., it would not be especially conducive to meditate in your family room, where many people congregate). Why is this so important? Because you are creating a vortex of energy at your place of meditation. If you've ever gone into a church, temple, or holy place you've probably noticed the energy which is present there. This energy has been built up over days, months and years due to spiritual practices which are performed on a constant basis. Not only can you feel the energy here, you can hear it (the sound can be deafening) and sense it in other ways. In these places, there is a vortex of energy.
Once you've created a vortex of energy at your place of meditation through diligent meditative practices, it becomes easier for you to reach a meditative state in this location. Here you have established a more direct link to the One. Of course, God is everything and everywhere, and enlightened beings can directly commune with God at any time and in any location. But you must build yourself up to this higher state of consciousness, and a good way to start is to have a special meditative place where you practice joining with the One; once you have strengthened yourself here, then you can "go without."
2. Meditating:
After selecting your meditative position, close your eyes and direct your gaze to the center of your brow. This activates the third eye ("Let your eye be single, so your whole body is filled with Light"). Breathe in and out of your nose, and focus on your breath. This gives your thinking mind something to do, and keeps you in the present, the "here and now." Do not control your breath, but rather, simply observe it going in and out of your nose.
Now you are ready to start the Rainbow Bridge Meditation. With full will and imagination, visualize the colors listed below in sequence (starting with red and on up the bridge to crystal light). While visualizing each color, continue to direct your gaze at the third eye, and continue to breathe in and out of your nose. Further, when visualizing a particular color, see it moving in you, about you and all around you - penetrating and infusing every cell and atom of your body. Some people find it helpful to breathe the color in and out.
If thoughts enter your mind, do not dwell on them, but simply let them pass (in other words, don't think about your thoughts). If you initially have trouble "seeing" the colors, or a particular color, try visualizing an object that you associate with that color (i.e., a red rose, an orange, a yellow highlighter, etc.). With practice you will be doing more than simply seeing the colors - you will be tuning in to the vibration, sound, and movement of each color. Everything in this universe is energy which translates into light, color, sound, movement and vibration. This principle can be seen in Einstein's famous formulation E=mc2 (energy equals the mass of an object times the speed of light squared).
Remember to visualize each color in the center of its hue, not too dark and not too light. Further, spend an equal amount of time on each color; do not emphasize one color over another.
The seven primary (sun) chakras are each associated with a particular color (so are the hundreds of minor [moon] chakras, but the Rainbow Bridge Meditation deals largely with the seven primary ones). Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel, and the different chakras are often described as "wheels of light." Next to each color below, we have identified the chakra commonly associated with that color. Each color in the Rainbow Bridge Meditation has many properties, including healing properties. These properties are described after each color, and by doing the Rainbow Bridge Mediation, the various benefits of each color will be added unto you. See, feel and experience these properties as you visualize each color during the meditation.
Here now are the colors:
1. Red (root chakra):
physical health and well-being; love; freedom from all physical disease, pain and suffering. See your physical body functioning perfectly: the bones, tendons, muscles, circulatory system, respiratory system, and central nervous system.
2. Orange (spleen chakra):
emotional control and stability. See yourself filled with joy, peace, and patience. This color heals all negative habits, conditioned reactions, and inherited tendencies.
3. Yellow (naval chakra): health of the thinking mind. See yourself filled with logic, reason, focus, mental discipline, and the ability to accomplish any mental task with ease; freedom from all negative thoughts, and mental distractions.
4. Green (heart chakra): environmental health; poise and balance of the soul; psychic power; intuitive power; knowing and understanding.
5. Blue (throat chakra): the blue ray was the first ray out of the Godhead. It symbolizes the power and might of God; truth; peace beyond all understanding and tranquility; rhythm; creative power; vibration; past-life association; cycles; beyond time, space, and circumstance; and contemplative power.
6. Indigo (brow chakra): the indigo ray is a combination of red (love), blue (truth) and gold (wisdom) - indigo is the color of the midnight sky. It is the three-fold flame of God; the trinity; unity; clairvoyance; acceptance of the individuality; and mystic power.
7. Violet (crown chakra): transmutation power (turning darkness into light, lead into gold); spiritual freedom; the ability to bring things forth continually; truth in action; instant manifestation; cosmic consciousness; transformation of mind; and divine alchemy.
8. Gold (center of the crown): wisdom; experiential knowledge; master consciousness; illumination; the Buddhic mind; and revelation.
9. White (6 inches above the crown): the mind of Christ; purity; this color contains the properties of all other colors; the Christos, the great Protector.
10. Crystal (60 feet above the crown): Holy Spirit, the animator of all creation; moves all things as all things; the eye of God.
Starting with red, each color is seven times less dense than the preceding color. The Rainbow Bridge Meditation is literally a bridge linking the lower states of consciousness to the higher states of consciousness. It brings you into direct communion with the One.
A few final points. After visualizing all of the colors, you are at the "top" of the bridge, the summit of the spiritual mountain. At this point, visualize nothing -- you are all, as all. Continue to focus your gaze on the center of your brow, and observe the breath.
To complete the meditation, rub your hands together (this helps bring you back into your body) and cup the palms of your hands over your eyes for a few seconds (this transfers healing energy from your hands to your eyes). Om tat sat om.